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Article I Section 8. Clause 8The contents published on this website are copyrighted by EXPORTUSA NEW YORK CORP., which owns the rights to these sites. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whatever form, of the entire contents or part of the EXPORTUSA site is prohibited and cannot be used by third parties. The incorporation of material, or part thereof, into any work or publication and in any other form, whether paper or electronic, is not permitted.

The dissemination of the contents of our sites is permitted as long as the source is cited as follows “source: EXPORTUSA NEW YORK CORP - www.exportusa.eu”. In the case of dissemination of contents through the Internet, it is necessary to point to our site by the link www.exportusa.eu

The information contained in these sites is for informational purposes only, does not refer to a particular individual or a legal person, and does not constitute legal or tax advice. We use utmost attention and care in selecting the information we publish and are not liable for any inaccurate, out-to-date and incomplete information.

EXPORTUSA NEW YORK CORP reserves the right to amend, delete or update the information or services published on these sites at any time, without notice. No one should act on the basis of this information without adequate professional advice and without a thorough evaluation of the circumstances at hand.

EXPORTUSA NEW YORK CORP assumes no responsibility for decisions made by the user on the basis of the aforementioned information and for contents of created by third parties whose link appears on the EXPORTUSA sites. Any existing or future legal relationships are subject solely to New York State law and to the jurisdiction of the New York State Court System.